Zhe Zhe Zhe من عند بيرهوف، لوهانسكا، أوكرانيا
Delightful as a time sucking BOT, you don't have to pay that much attention to keep the story in your head and the narrator is enjoyable. I guess I always knew Ann Bolyn was beheaded, I'm not quite sure if I know more now or how much of this was pure fiction.
John Piper offers a Biblically saturated theology of missions in the third edition of this seminal work. Piper argues that the fundamental purpose of missions isn't to win lost people for Christ, as important as that is. The fundamental purpose is to glorify God. He also argues that missionary work isn't about winning people, it's about winning peoples. Winning individuals is the work of evangelists; missionaries are sent to people groups. Using the Apostle Paul as his model for missionaries, Piper writes: Who then is to pick up the mantle of the apostle's unique missionary task of reaching more and more peoples? Shouldn't every denomination and church have some vital group that is recruiting, equipping, sending, and supporting Paul-type missionaries to more and more unreached peoples? The ultimate goal of the church is to worship God, Piper writes. The reason we have missionaries is that there are people who aren't worshiping God. Gathering and singing hymns and listening to preaching is a part of worship, but it's not the essence of it in Piper's theology. This is how he defines it: Worship is not essentially any form of outward act. Worship is essentially an inner stirring of the heart to treasure God above all the treasures of the world.