
Richard Holley Holley من عند 330 17 Hjortsjö, السويد من عند 330 17 Hjortsjö, السويد

قارئ Richard Holley Holley من عند 330 17 Hjortsjö, السويد

Richard Holley Holley من عند 330 17 Hjortsjö, السويد


مقدمة رائعة وسهلة القراءة لنظرية ما بعد الاستعمار. تتطرق إلى جميع أنواع الموضوعات في الدراسة و (على الأقل بالنسبة لي) عززت مدى أهميتها ودراستها.


كان لينتون أستاذي. لقد تعلمت من الكتاب وجهة نظر مختلفة من عصر فيتنام. أصيبت في حادث سيارة أثناء السير في مسيرة في واشنطن مع أفضل صديق لها وزوجها. أصبحت مصابة بالشلل وقتل صديقاتها. وهي توثق تجربتها كشخص معاق في أوائل السبعينيات من القرن الماضي تدافع عن نفسها ، وتصبح في نهاية المطاف أحد مؤسسي حركات حقوق الإعاقة. احصل عليه! اقرأها! أنشرها!


قصة حكيمة ، إنه كتاب لائق. أنا شخصياً لم أكن معجبًا كبيرًا بفصولي الصفحة. كما أنني لست من عشاق أسلوب الكتابة دان براون ، ثلاثة من كتبه لها نفس الشكل. إنهم يبدأون بالرجال المسنين ، ومعلم شخص ما هو في الحقيقة خائن ، وينتهي بالتلميحات إلى الشخصية الرئيسية التي تحصل على الإشباع الجنسي لأحداث الكتاب. في الأساس ، لا أعتقد أنه يستحق كل الوقت الذي يمنحه الناس.


بلدي المفضل فرانسيس حتى الآن. إضافة إلى المزيج المعتاد من المواقع البريطانية والناس الخيول ، وهذا ينطوي أيضا على تصوير فيلم. فيلم عن أهل سباق الخيل في إنجلترا مع لغز جريمة قتل. الأكثر ممتازة!


لا يمكنك أن تخطئ في كتاب يتحدث عن أطفال يدعى "OrangeJello" و "LemonJello" و "ShitHead".


كان هذا أول ديكنز قرأته ، وبداية علاقة جميلة. في المدرسة الثانوية ، قمت بدمجها مع The Great Gatsby لعمل هجاء موسيقي ساخرة لكلا الكتابين بعنوان The Great Expectations of Gatsby. الآن هذا هو الحب!


Originally published on The Librarian Next Door: Erin Blackwell is thrilled to have the chance to pursue her dream of being a writer – and escape the bad memories of her family’s Kentucky horse farm - when she gets into her dream college in New York City. But when she informs her grandmother that she will not be majoring in business, her grandmother disowns her and gives her tuition money to Hunter Allen, the farm’s stable boy. Erin and Hunter have a complicated past, but that doesn’t stop Erin from fantasizing about him and putting him into her stories for her creative writing class. After all, he’s never going to read them. Then Hunter transfers into her class and Erin’s worst fears are realized – Hunter recognizes himself in her story. Soon, they’re both using the creative writing class to communicate through their stories and realizing that there’s so much more to the other than they ever knew. Jennifer Echols writes engaging contemporary romances and dramas and Love Story is no exception – it’s classic Echols, with a plot that’s seemingly straightforward, but – like an iceberg – has so much more going on beneath the surface. The novel starts with a fairly simple premise, then slowly pulls back layer after layer to reveal the hidden truths behind Hunter and Erin’s complicated and emotional history. Along the way, readers fall in love with them as they learn to love each other. Love Story features a college setting, which isn’t as common with the bulk of young adult novels. There’s a good balance between the maturity Erin gains from fending for herself financially and academically and the insecurity that comes from still needing to grow and learn, despite technically being an adult. Love Story also features a “stories within a story” technique, as readers are given glimpses of Erin and Hunter’s creative writing class assignments. It’s tricky to pull off, but it really works here because it gives the main characters the outlet they need to express themselves. In addition to helping fill in some of the back story, Erin and Hunter’s writing gives them the chance to work out their frustrations and say the things they can’t quite say out loud. It’s an interesting way of looking at how stories in general speak to all readers and exploring the differences between what we mean when we’re speaking aloud and what we mean when we write things down. There’s just the slightest sense of voyeurism attached to Erin and Hunter’s stories as well, since their classmates are essentially watching – and reading – their relationship play out through the creative writing class. The relationship between Erin and Hunter is filled with Echols’ trademark swoon and sexual tension. It’s a tricky, complex relationship because neither one is completely comfortable with the other. There’s the sense that both Erin and Hunter are struggling to reconcile the past and the expectations of their families with the desire to be someone new in college. And yet they can’t quite move forward because here is this person who knows them so well and knows the secrets they’re trying to hide. It’s a lot of fun to watch them dance around one another as they slowly come together. The pay-off of all the tension is definitely satisfying for the reader. Echols includes a colorful, diverse cast of supporting characters and friends, some of whom you love, some you hate and some of whom you love to hate. These characters help make the urban college setting more realistic and add moments of levity to the drama. There are some parts of the novel that strain believability (I personally never quite bought into Erin’s grandmother’s vindictive and manipulative behavior) and it does end rather abruptly – I found myself wanting so much more of Erin and Hunter together once I had finished the book. Minor quibbles aside, Jennifer Echols’ Love Story may seem spare and unadorned at first glance, but don’t confuse that with boring or uninteresting. Echols does a lot with a little and packs her novel with emotion. Erin and Hunter’s journey is difficult and painful at times, but ultimately hopeful and satisfying.