
Maria Jose Gonzalez Calcaneo Jose Gonzalez Calcaneo من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Maria Jose Gonzalez Calcaneo Jose Gonzalez Calcaneo من عند نيويورك

Maria Jose Gonzalez Calcaneo Jose Gonzalez Calcaneo من عند نيويورك


Title translated in English: The pyramid chapter in Al-Makrizi´s "Hitat" The famous arabian historian Al-Makrizi (1364–1442 AD) writes in his main work "Hitat" about the history and topography of egyt. In a part of this work Al-Makrizi attends to the pyramids, their builders and their reasons for it. He reports about a King Saurid who is said to be the founder of the pryramids and about other unbelievable details.. Of course Al-Makrizi´s history doesn´t agree with the conventional academic and archaeological knowledge and his phrasing is due to his time a bit flowery but since there are till now no definite results about meaning, purpose and building of the pyramids maybe we should also consult old sources and not right away expel everything they tell us into the land of the tales of Thousand and one night. An unprejudiced look to old sources can´t do much harm.. on the contrary like history has already proved (Heinrich Schliemann and Troy).