
Laura Fornaroli Fornaroli من عند Ouled Boumlileh, المغرب من عند Ouled Boumlileh, المغرب

قارئ Laura Fornaroli Fornaroli من عند Ouled Boumlileh, المغرب

Laura Fornaroli Fornaroli من عند Ouled Boumlileh, المغرب


Anyone who often eats fast food should read this book. It offers shocking behind-the-scenes scenarios of what goes on in the beef industry! I don't know how much of what Cook says is true, but something tells me that with a lot of recent meat recalls it is. Toxin kept me intrigued all the way of Cook's better novels.


A beautiful collections of poems with introductions and some very elegant writing by Caroline Kennedy. There were a few poems that really touched some of my heart strings. I still struggle with reading some poetry and hearing Kennedy's eloquent translation of the meaning was so great. This is a beautiful gift to give to a woman who loves poetry. It would be come a beautiful keepsake!