
Carolina Palma Palma من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Carolina Palma Palma من عند نيويورك

Carolina Palma Palma من عند نيويورك


كان هذا الكتاب جيدًا حقًا. من الواضح أن الطريقة التي أثر بها الراوي غير الموثوق في الكتاب والنص ساعدت في جعل هذا الكتاب أكثر إثارة للاهتمام.


لذلك أردت كتابًا سيكون نجاة ... كان كذلك. لسوء الحظ ، يجب أن أتفق مع بعض المراجعات الأخرى التي كتبت - الشخصية الرئيسية يمكن أن تصر في بعض الأحيان. أود أقل من الحوار الداخلي لها والمزيد من العمل - الذي كان في بعض الأحيان جيدة. سأحاول تجربة الإصدار التالي ، لكن ليس من متعة القراءة مثل سلسلة Charlaine Harris ... تأخذ نفسها على محمل الجد.


It took me a chapter or two to get into, but I totally lost myself in this book - fanciful, well-written, maintained momentum through the book. I'm a fan of Michael Chabon, but this was his best yet.


DFW's essays are, as usual, strong. His essay in favor of proper usage and grammar is probably the most brilliant non-fiction I've read, and I even learned a few rules reading the piece. The John McCain piece is equally compelling--DFW has a very sharp eye for the political pulse of the nation's youth! Great little piece on the general grossness of John Updike. The radio essay is the only one I couldn't get through--felt a little masturbatory, but I applaud him for trying yet another form.


I was in Target, looking for some lunchtime reading, and picked this book up at random. (At checkout, I was told that the book had actually already been taken out of their inventory, but they would sell it to me anyway -- how about $5.00? I thought about haggling, as for a Persian rug, but paid $5.00 like a Midwestener.) It was the first book by Augusten Burroughs that I read; he has at least 2 other books out there in print. About halfway through the first chapter, I thought that this book was just like David Sedaris' "Me Talk Pretty Someday" or "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim", only without being quite as funny, tragic, or endearing. This thought carried through right to the very end of the book, with its humorous (but pointless) digressions. It's easy, breezy reading, no more taxing than listening to a particularly funny friend tell a story over coffee or a glass of wine, and just about as deeply meaningful, which, I think, makes this book just about perfect for the beach.