
Michaelle Louis Louis من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Michaelle Louis Louis من عند نيويورك

Michaelle Louis Louis من عند نيويورك


Easy, accessible, succinct in carrying out its function of enabling every Christian to keep honing their skill of rhetoric when faced with the sword of opposing philosophical thoughts. Very useful anecdotes on FAILED evangelisms over his own experiences, James Sire spends a whole lot of his time focusing on the HUMILITY of trying to persuade people to believe in Christ, and leaving much of the work to the Spirit. A lot of technical terminology, a lot of logic work, and what i LOVE the most about this book is the appendix of READING LIST for each particular subject (post-modern relativism, theistic/atheistic evolution, sovereignty of God vs. suffering in the world, etc...).