
Rik Catlow Catlow من عند 5060-263 Provesende, البرتغال من عند 5060-263 Provesende, البرتغال

قارئ Rik Catlow Catlow من عند 5060-263 Provesende, البرتغال

Rik Catlow Catlow من عند 5060-263 Provesende, البرتغال


The adventure and survival story sucked me in and made me believe every word. Or, at the very least, it made me want to believe it.


This is an "epic novel." I got completely lost in and caught up in this book. Follett is a great storyteller and brought this time period (middle ages) to life for me. Honestly you could sum the story up in a few pages (regarding the cathedral being built, etc. etc.) but the story he weaves around the numerous characters, how their stories intertwine, and the triumphs and struggles that they face is interesting, heartwarming, funny, and epic. I enjoyed my mother's borrowed copy so much that I went out and bought my own and am looking forward to reading it again! Plus, it is nice and lengthy, which is good for someone like me who reads super-fast. It's not necessarily an easy read for Follett likes his prose, but again it's wonderful.