
Rachel Kolody Kolody من عند Semakottai R.F., Tamil Nadu, الهند من عند Semakottai R.F., Tamil Nadu, الهند

قارئ Rachel Kolody Kolody من عند Semakottai R.F., Tamil Nadu, الهند

Rachel Kolody Kolody من عند Semakottai R.F., Tamil Nadu, الهند


قصة جيدة. مكتوب من وجهة نظر صبي عمره 5 سنوات.


This was the first Maguire book I read. "Wicked" got enough press to turn me off. I tend to get around the popular favorites slowly if at all -preferring the steady, brilliant quirky authors. I was smitten! I read every Maguire book I could get my hands on after that. Is the next book in this series out yet? Brilliant political allegory that stands as engaging fairytale with marvelously flawed heroes!