
Erika Horner Horner من عند Chutar Hrymiača, روسيا البيضاء من عند Chutar Hrymiača, روسيا البيضاء

قارئ Erika Horner Horner من عند Chutar Hrymiača, روسيا البيضاء

Erika Horner Horner من عند Chutar Hrymiača, روسيا البيضاء


This is one of the best books i have ever read. It is very touching. I would recommend everybody to read it.


The book is an easy read and most of what it offers can be gleaned from undergraduate level statistics and psychology classes. Specifically: a catalog of unintuitive statistical results, and explanations/anecdotal examples of many psychological biases, and a lecturer with a swollen ego. I read a used copy of this book lent to me by a friend who peppered it with wonderful marginalia. My favorite of these captured the narrative tone well in response to the author making a fairly mild generalization about humankind, the marginalia lamented "Alas, measured statements like these are too rare in this book." One thing it has that your college statistics and psychology classes might not have included are applications of these statistical behaviours and psychological biases to trading and investing. If you have not been introduced to statistics and psychological bias, this would be a fine way to start while also getting a bit of personal finance advice.