Red Gency Gency من عند Jööri, Saare County, إستونيا
لا أستطيع أن أقول أن دي إس آسر مثل سلسلة ألعاب الجوع ، هاها ، لكنني أعتقد أنني بدأت أحب هذا الكتاب. أحب الطريقة التي استخدمها تان لرواية القصص لقصة الشخصيات النسائية الثمانية في الرواية. لا بأس. هاها. :د
The Didache is a piece of Christian writing that perhaps dates back to mid-first century. Didache literally means "Training." The full name of the title is "The Training of the Lord through the Twelve Apostles." The author of the commentary repeatedly makes the point that the main purpose of the Didache is to train people interested in converting to "The Way." The main topics include how converts should live, rules for baptism and communion, dealing with prophets and false prophets, and eschatology. I found it to be an interesting piece of work and good commentary. The author of the commentary hopes that someday the Didache will appear as an index in Christian Bibles. I think it would make a good addition as well.