Sierra Breshears Breshears من عند 8063 Haselbach, النمسا
لقد قرأت كل ما عندي من بالنيوك في وقت واحد ، يشبه إلى حد كبير كيف قرأت كل ما عندي من Vonnegut في صيف واحد ، ولكن الآن أدرك أنني لا أهتم بالاهنيوك كل ذلك ... إنه صيغي للغاية ويعتقد أنه شجاع. أنا لم أقرأ أبدا Fight Club ، رغم ذلك فقط كل الآخرين.
These poems are great like swimming in a quiet lake. Especially amazing when someone else reads them so beautifully.
How much food do you throw in the garbage. Probably way too much, like every one else in America. This book is a huge eye opener about how much food is really wasted every day and how we don't even see the consequences that it's having on us and will have on our future. Jonathan Bloom is what I would consider an expert on the subject after several years of research and experiencing things first hand - he took jobs in the fast food industry and the grocery industry to research the topic. The best part of the book is the realistic recommendations that Bloom gives to fix the problem and start to really make changes in what's happening in this area. He doesn't just rant, he makes a realistic path for us to get things cleaned up and start using what we have and fixing the hunger problem we have in the US. I watched the "Dive!" documentary on Netflix while reading this book and it's just shocking. Maybe it's time to become a dumpster diver...