
Vincent Jack Jack من عند Dereköy Köyü, 10680 Dereköy Köyü/Gönen/Balıkesir, تركيا من عند Dereköy Köyü, 10680 Dereköy Köyü/Gönen/Balıkesir, تركيا

قارئ Vincent Jack Jack من عند Dereköy Köyü, 10680 Dereköy Köyü/Gönen/Balıkesir, تركيا

Vincent Jack Jack من عند Dereköy Köyü, 10680 Dereköy Köyü/Gönen/Balıkesir, تركيا


Really interesting from the historical aspect. Never even thought about the circus in these terms. However, after being fairly interesting, the ending is lacking.


I quit halfway through the book when I hadn't come across a single concept, idea, insight, etc. I didn't already know. It's 50% common-sense, and 50% experience, with lots of obviously made-up "quotes" from supposed people, who "talk" about their jobs but in most cases what they say isn't what someone in that field would say. Overall, no even a single gem found at the halfway mark, and that's when I move on to the next book.