
Alejandro Duarte Duarte من عند Borshevychi, Lviv Oblast, أوكرانيا من عند Borshevychi, Lviv Oblast, أوكرانيا

قارئ Alejandro Duarte Duarte من عند Borshevychi, Lviv Oblast, أوكرانيا

Alejandro Duarte Duarte من عند Borshevychi, Lviv Oblast, أوكرانيا


ليس لديك أي فكرة عن عدد المرات التي خططت للهرب من المنزل حتى أتمكن من مغامرة مثل هذه المغامرة. كأخت أكبر سناً ، كنت دائمًا أحب الديناميكية بين كلوديا وجيمي ، وما زلت أتعاطف مع رغبة كلوديا في أن تكون مميزة ومختلفة بطريقة ما.


واحدة من الأفضل في السلسلة حتى الآن. لا يمكن أن تنتظر لقراءة "قصة جاكا" المقبل.


استمتعت بذلك!


This is quite possibly the best fantasy book I have read in a while. Compelling and real would be the best description. The characters are larger than life yet completely realized in a way that makes them seem truly human. The basic story follows the journeys of 3 key characters whose travels intermingle with each other. You have Anasurimbor Kellus, a almost metahuman monk who has mastered the way of the Logos (sort of logic-magic) to become a master manipulator and warrior with precognitive abilities. Also, there is Cnairu the barbarian warrior who has allied with Kellus against his better judgement. And finally, the best character, IMO, Arcaihman (sp?) the wizard. A wizard who has lost respect in himself and his school. Strangely, while wielding powers not unlike a god on earth, he is the most human and identifiable of the characters, faults and all. Anyway, these books are truly something to take notice of. Don't let this one slip by unnoticed.