
Rachel Tabac Tabac من عند Kayasuyu Köyü, 80750 Kayasuyu Köyü/Kadirli/Osmaniye, تركيا من عند Kayasuyu Köyü, 80750 Kayasuyu Köyü/Kadirli/Osmaniye, تركيا

قارئ Rachel Tabac Tabac من عند Kayasuyu Köyü, 80750 Kayasuyu Köyü/Kadirli/Osmaniye, تركيا

Rachel Tabac Tabac من عند Kayasuyu Köyü, 80750 Kayasuyu Köyü/Kadirli/Osmaniye, تركيا


** spoiler alert ** I liked this book in the series okay, though it's definitely my least favorite so far. I thought the ending was a bit dumb - apparently one can be fabulously over-educated and still not have heard of birth control. It did have some nice bits: "Why spoil a friendship for the sake of the carnal? And the carnal inevitably spoiled friendships. It took friends to another land--away from their innocence, to a place from which they could not return to simple friendship. And yet, remember, she thought, none of us is immune to shipwreck. Come, beckons the fatal shore: come and die on my white sands, it said. And we do."