Gna Kim Kim من عند Bahçeli Köyü, 19600 Bahçeli Köyü/Alaca/Çorum, تركيا
لقد رأيت هذا الكتاب بنصف الكتب بأسعار ، واعتقدت "لماذا لا". لذلك اشتريت ، وأنا سعيد جدا فعلت. هذا الكتاب عبقري. بالتأكيد سوف اقرأ المزيد أوسكار وايلد.
One of the best historical pattern books on the market.
This is about what would happen if the U.S. suddenly was not here. I thought it was pretty interesting how they showed people and whole countries panicking and getting desperate. There is another book following this one and I'm anxious to read it when it comes out.