
Yeh Niki Niki من عند Tawangsari, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, إندونيسيا من عند Tawangsari, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, إندونيسيا

قارئ Yeh Niki Niki من عند Tawangsari, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, إندونيسيا

Yeh Niki Niki من عند Tawangsari, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, إندونيسيا


أفضل كتاب قرأته عن حرب فيتنام. مفجع ، صدمة ، القهري.


جاء هذا الكتاب موصى به للغاية من قبل بلدي البالغ من العمر 12 سنة. إنها قصة بود الذي نشأ في مقبرة "يستغرق مقبرة لتربية طفل" إنها قصة مكتوبة بشكل جميل عن العائلة والحب والصداقة والولاء لم أكن أريدها أن تنتهي ...


There were only two stories that I really enjoyed Fairy Gifts by Patricia Briggs I absolutely love Briggs works. Her earlier work of Hurog, Sianim, and Raven are one of my top favorites for their ingenuity (I still lover her Mercy Thompson series, but in a different way). Fairy Gifts is brilliant and like most of her stories I didn't want it to end. Thomas, the vampire, of this story must use his wits to return a favor that was given to him decades ago by a fae girl. It was an endearing story and I loved it. Noble Rot by Holly Black This one follows Agatha who has her own little secret and Colin an ex rock star. It had Black's usual twist to it. However, I must say I was really disappointed with Guns for the Dead by Melissa Marr. I've read some of her other short stories and thought they were good. This one was lacking a bit, I felt like there should have been more to it than that. It wasn't really fleshed out. Yeah, the characters weren't flat, they were well done. It also seemed like a first chapter for a book than anything else.