
Branden Keller Keller من عند Wojciechów-Kolonia Piąta, بولندا من عند Wojciechów-Kolonia Piąta, بولندا

قارئ Branden Keller Keller من عند Wojciechów-Kolonia Piąta, بولندا

Branden Keller Keller من عند Wojciechów-Kolonia Piąta, بولندا


I didn't get it. But I also listened to it on an audiobook on and off for the last month. Because a few friends gave it such good reviews I might have to get a copy of the book and actually read it. We will see.


I read A yellow Raft in Blue Water by Michael Dorris way back in High School about 13-15 years ago. I honestly remember this not being the typical kinds of subjects I like to read about, or a style I found interesting to read. But I remember it being a very good story and surprisingly enjoyed it. I will have to read this again at some point.