
Mette West West من عند Nuevo Milenio, نيكاراجوا من عند Nuevo Milenio, نيكاراجوا

قارئ Mette West West من عند Nuevo Milenio, نيكاراجوا

Mette West West من عند Nuevo Milenio, نيكاراجوا


I know that Tolkien is epic, but there is just something about his writing that is so difficult for me to love. I suppose when I'm looking to be purely entertained, it's hard to read something that depends on the reader to be more than just a passive participant. I couldn't care less for the genealogical lines of hobbits or the specifics of the elven language or the minutia of arboreal taxonomy. Tolkien's mind must have been brilliant to create such an intricate other world. I can appreciate that. I really can. But his writing style is far less than exciting for me. His character development leaves something to be desired. I know this is almost sacrilege to say, but Peter Jackson's movies stirred me far more than Tolkien's books have thus far, and it's almost never that way. Books are always better! I'm having a hard time making myself continue on with the series, but I'm determined to persevere in the hopes that my experience with Tolkien will improve.