
Adam Zawiasinski Zawiasinski من عند اصطهبانات، فارْس، إيران من عند اصطهبانات، فارْس، إيران

قارئ Adam Zawiasinski Zawiasinski من عند اصطهبانات، فارْس، إيران

Adam Zawiasinski Zawiasinski من عند اصطهبانات، فارْس، إيران


Seriously guys, first of all you've read Twilight already. Are you willing to blow off another 35 bucks? Second of all, aren't you sick of it yet? A girl falls in love with a vampire. That's it. Okay, so there might be a bit more but in Midnight Sun do you honestly think Edward is just going to go snuggle up with Jacob Black to heat things up? No. Would I find Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone more interesting because it was from Hermione's p.o.v.? Most likely not because like Edward and Isabella(yeah, I went there)they pretty much spend all of their time together. And I'm guessing you have all read it on SM'soukwebsite. Edward thinks WAY too much. Should I eat her? How should I eat her? When should I eat her? Does she taste good with ketchup? Mmmmmmmm ketchup. Another question I have for you is: Aren't you sick of it already? Its so in your face and everything. I'll end this rant because I can go on like this forever.