
Solid5 Solutions Solutions من عند Stare Kozuby, بولندا من عند Stare Kozuby, بولندا

قارئ Solid5 Solutions Solutions من عند Stare Kozuby, بولندا

Solid5 Solutions Solutions من عند Stare Kozuby, بولندا


Theoretically, there was no reason I should not have liked this book: it had plenty of steampunk elements, an unconventional protagonist and mad science. However, I didn't. The setting and basic plot were certainly original and it is an extremely readable book, but that is the best I can say about it. The problem is that, while witty and humorous, the writing (especially the dialogue) often veers into triteness. For every genuinely witty line, there are two affected ones. Plus, there are details that are repeated so ad nauseum that they quickly lose whatever humour they might have had. Yes, Alexia, we get that you are woefully dusky and woefully Italian and woefully husband-less. Get over it. I fail to understand why Carriger makes such a big deal of mentioning this in every tenth sentence. For a heroine as intelligent and self-assured as Alexia Tarabotti, it's grating to read this over and over. As is reading about Ivy Hisselpenny's supposed sartorial suicides. Can we please get on with the actual story here? It's a pity because the book does have a promising set of characters and an interesting perspective on an alternate Victorian era. If only the author stops trying so hard to inject every sentence with forced wit, the series may have deliver yet.


Gospel...per gospel.