
Andr من عند H.Eachambadi, Tamil Nadu 636902، الهند من عند H.Eachambadi, Tamil Nadu 636902، الهند

قارئ Andr من عند H.Eachambadi, Tamil Nadu 636902، الهند

Andr من عند H.Eachambadi, Tamil Nadu 636902، الهند


رائع! باعتبارها قائمة بذاتها ، مؤامرة كبيرة ، ولكن أقوى إذا كنت قد قرأت الآخرين في هذه السلسلة.


Mike Nelson was a writer and later on camera member of Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Or MST3K. It was a program that ran on Comedy Central in the 1990s. Check Wikipedia if you want to know more about it. Anyway, this book is a series of short, funny stories and anecdotes. It is very self deprecating with non of the superior attitude or mean-ness (is that a word?) you might find in Seinfeld's observational humor. Mike's Midwest roots shine in this book and it's especially funny if you know someone from or have visited Minnesota. I can't recommend it enough.