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قارئ Bombers AD AD من عند 98040 Condrò ME, إيطاليا

Bombers AD AD من عند 98040 Condrò ME, إيطاليا


بالتأكيد كتاب الغطس المفضل لدي.


الرؤية مكتوبة على أنها تكملة للعمى ، ولكن في الحقيقة ، فهي وحش مختلف تمامًا تمامًا. كتب ساراماغو رؤية بسبب الولايات المتحدة وما حدث هنا في السنوات الست الماضية. أعلم أنه فعل. لقد انتهيت للتو من كتاب منذ حوالي ساعة. لدي يجلس هنا في يدي ، مفتوحة إلى الصفحة الأخيرة. الجملة الأخيرة تطاردني ، رغم أنني لا أستطيع إحضار نفسي لقراءتها مرة أخرى. بالنسبة لهذه المسألة ، لا أعرف أنني يمكن أن أحضر نفسي لقراءة هذا الكتاب مرة أخرى. انها مثل هذه المهزلة وحتى الآن صحيح جدا. لماذا يا ساراماجو ، هل تلعب بقلبى وعقلي ، إذن؟


إنها ليست الأفضل في باربرا مايكلز ، لكن باربرا روزنبلات رائعة للغاية ، فهي تجعل الأمر يستحق العناء. إنها تقرأ الأميليات وتستحق كل جائزة تكسبها (ثم بعضها). (كما تقرأ السيدة Pollifaxes.)


Joel Court had problems. He’d lost his wife, his mistress, quite possibly his career as an astronomical wizard, and had ended up living with Chance Jenolan, to whom success was a way of life, and whose Barbican fortress was protected by a maze that would shame the Minotaur. To make matters worse, there was the Mole. Her heavenly body outshone all the celestial manifestations Joel had ever seen. Pretty soon, he would not be able to bear having her out of his sights . . . ‘The Remake is a consideration of the artistic and the media-star lifestyle, full of brilliant observation.’ London Evening Standard Magazine ‘As sharp as a tack and as clever as eleven wagonloads of monkeys.’ Guardian ‘The reader is kept busy catching the glancing reflections, fitting together bits of puzzle and enjoying jokes. There is much that cries out to be quoted. Clive James’s latest book is funny, serious, challenging, annoying, iconoclastic, elitist, erudite and erotic.’ Adelaide Advertiser ‘The Remake truly floored me. Very few books have forced me to compare form and content as powerfully as this novel – and I use the word “novel” with caution. Dialogue, description, plot and situation, Clive James has mastered them all. Eloquent and erudite, he uses words with such ease, grace and effectiveness that levels of language and meaning are grasped in gestalt; a phrase can be a word.’


Even though White Noise is my personal favorite (a novel which I've memorized several chapters of, in fact), if you were to ask me which Don DeLillo novel to read, and you could only read one, I would tell you to read The Names. In a different world, I would be also shilling my unabridged reading of this book on Amazon.