
Allison Rojas Rojas من عند Prusinowo, بولندا من عند Prusinowo, بولندا

قارئ Allison Rojas Rojas من عند Prusinowo, بولندا

Allison Rojas Rojas من عند Prusinowo, بولندا


إن فكرة Good and the King Lear conceit هي رحيل مثير للاهتمام ، لكن على العموم أنا أفضل "Fluke" و "The Stupidest Angel" وأعمال أخرى لمور.


من أين جاء لك الهامك؟ كل شيء هو صورة ذاتية ، يوميات. كل ما تفعله يظهر يدك. قراءة رائعة.


This was a great read. A very long book, that is not one of those "I can't put it down" books. It's one of those novels you have to be in the mood to read, so it took me awhile to finish. Irving does a great job developing the characters, and mixing both elements of humor and tragedy. Great read!


Okay, Christ. The wolf chapter is probably the best writing McCarthy has ever done. Seriously. But then for the remaining two thirds, we get him masurbating in Mexico. Whiskey tango foxtrot.