
Chance Daugherty Daugherty من عند Tvaryčaŭka, روسيا البيضاء من عند Tvaryčaŭka, روسيا البيضاء

قارئ Chance Daugherty Daugherty من عند Tvaryčaŭka, روسيا البيضاء

Chance Daugherty Daugherty من عند Tvaryčaŭka, روسيا البيضاء


(I've only read 1-4 of this series) The art was truly striking, and the voice had some cool moments (use of repeated text, run-ins between plot arcs). Other than that, I can't quite decide whether the use of film noir style is an interesting narrative tool, or a pathetic crutch. I mean, there's not one real "character" in there; they're all archetypes. That doesn't necessarily mean it's crap, but I'm not sure the work is doing anything with those archetypes other than using them as an excuse to wallow in impressively violent and depraved stories. Is there something in there that speaks to or points out pieces of true human feeling/experience/essence? I'm not sure. Plus, the artist sure does like to draw topless prostitutes. Doesn't that set off the full-of-shit-o-meter, just a little? :) Again, undecided on this one, but it was fairly entertaining I 'spose.


This is a fun, fast read, but has very little value as literature. Of course. It's chick lit, though, so it's an easy read. My biggest gripe is that it is yet another book that seems to romanticize cheating on your partner.