
Hardik Godhaniya Godhaniya من عند Roșia, رومانيا من عند Roșia, رومانيا

قارئ Hardik Godhaniya Godhaniya من عند Roșia, رومانيا

Hardik Godhaniya Godhaniya من عند Roșia, رومانيا


Random books like this tend to become favorites of mine. With a random author I'd never heard of, who usually only has one or two books. The book has to have an eye-catching cover and I have to be dragged to the library with my mom. I'm bored, browsing the young-adult section waiting for my mom to be done and come find me, and just like that, I'll find a little gem of a book like this one. The cover intrigues me, the summary intrigues me more. So I take it home, finish it in four days and it becomes a favorite. :) I love Beatle Meets Destiny. The first thing I loved about it was the Beatles references. I've been listening to them since I was in the womb and I'm a big fan. I loved the over the top fate and signs and superstitions and weird coincidences. The narration made me laugh, and I loved the part in the end where it seemed like everything was falling apart for everyone, yet in such a humorous way. This book was witty and clever, and not your average love story, but amazing none the less. :) Here's to hoping one day I'll find my own Beatle. <3