Adelythe Wilson Wilson من عند Vegadi, Gujarat, الهند
مثيرة للاهتمام إذا كنت تحب علم النفس. الكثير من الإشارات إلى شكسبير "العاصفة" ، لذلك سيكون من الجيد أن تكون على دراية المسرحية قبل قراءة هذا الكتاب. إن الخصم هو زاحف بسبب الذهان اللطيف والغريب الذي يبدو أن الكثير من الناس لديهم ولكنك غير متأكد من ذلك أبدًا.
Disclaimer: I haven't actually read this in sequence. It usually sits in our bathroom, and I pick it up from time to time. There's an image for you. My husband always gripes about how I leave it author portrait-side up. It unnerves him. I just like the idea of this grizzly man hack screenwriter looking up at you while you perform your daily routine. Anyway, what I've read so far has been pretty entertaining. I love how Eszterhas clearly sees himself as incredibly erudite and approached "Showgirls" so seriously, yet the book feels like it's narrated by a giant roast beef sandwich. He is sometimes so misguided, it's lovable. He is also fiercely proud of his Cleveland roots. I think he would love that someone wrote that sentence. Oh, and Sharon Stone loves getting hash pipes as birthday presents, and Debra Winger is loved by cast and crew. Good stuff.