
Maja in Wonderlight in Wonderlight من عند Rodeio Bonito - RS, البرازيل من عند Rodeio Bonito - RS, البرازيل

قارئ Maja in Wonderlight in Wonderlight من عند Rodeio Bonito - RS, البرازيل

Maja in Wonderlight in Wonderlight من عند Rodeio Bonito - RS, البرازيل


أنا حقا أحب هذه القصة الشعبية السويسرية. بقدر ما قصص عن عدم قطع الأشجار أنها تعمل حقا. إنه أحلى بكثير من شجرة العطاء. سيكون لهذا الكتاب العديد من الاستخدامات.


لأول مرة منذ فترة قرأت أعمال الصادق شوبك الذي التهم الكتاب أكثر مما أستطيع الهضم. المرة الثانية كانت قبل سبعة عشر ثمانية عشر عاماً عندما أعيد طبع جميع أعماله في كاليفورنيا. Chubak لا يهبط لي لقراءة واحدة دون انقطاع. ومع ذلك ، لا أنكر أنني استمتعت أيضًا بقراءة أجزاء من أعمال شوباك. لقد كتبت المزيد من التفاصيل حول عمل Chubek هنا: http: // _...


Doug Glanville, a former Major League Baseball player, shares his unique perspective on the game, going full circle from life as a highly touted rookie, through the emotions of getting traded, all the way to what it is like as his career begins to fade. Although there were some interesting insights along the way, such as how Big Leaguers go about finding a place to live and how much fun Montreal was on a road trip, the book at times is a hard read. The largest stumbling block is the writing itself. The book is broken into chapters, but each chapter is nothing more than a series of vignettes. By the time you are 50 pages in, you realize that there is little rhyme or reason why each vignette was placed where it was, because frankly they are all interchangeable. The end result feels like someone is telling you their life story over the phone, jumping all around and going back when they forget things. At the end you get it, but you know something got lost in the translation. If you like Doug Glanville or the Phillies, it is a good read, but there are better baseball books out there.