
Yalantis Mobile Mobile من عند Untersiebenbrunn, النمسا من عند Untersiebenbrunn, النمسا

قارئ Yalantis Mobile Mobile من عند Untersiebenbrunn, النمسا

Yalantis Mobile Mobile من عند Untersiebenbrunn, النمسا


Interesting enough to go onto book #2. I didn't feel much connection to the characters until closer til the end. Hoping book 2 will cement more of an impression on me. We shall see, but good enough read to continue.


I remember adoring this book as a child, and being absolutely entranced by the world contained within. I just re-read it for the first time in fifteen years, and it gave a poor showing in comparison to my memory- it was far shorter and less detailed than I remembered. I suppose as a child, my imagination filled in all the holes, but to my adult mind, the book reads more as a sketch or an outline than a complete story. It is not a bad book, however, even if it doesn't live up to memory.