
Shaun Feldman Feldman من عند Bhandariya, Madhya Pradesh, الهند من عند Bhandariya, Madhya Pradesh, الهند

قارئ Shaun Feldman Feldman من عند Bhandariya, Madhya Pradesh, الهند

Shaun Feldman Feldman من عند Bhandariya, Madhya Pradesh, الهند


تقع هذه الروايات الرائعة في القاهرة في العشرينيات من القرن الماضي ، وتتابع الأسرة داخل وخارج حياتهم اليومية ... نظرة ثاقبة لزمان ومكان لم يتم النظر فيهما في كثير من الأحيان. وثلاثية !!! الكثير لقراءة ... العيب فقط وهذا غير مطبوع..الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية ليست جيدة جدًا ، وبالتالي فهي لغة مبسطة من طاقم لم يتكلم أبدًا. ولكن تستحق الزيارة مع القليل من التحرير من وقت لآخر.


The book is very short on improv tips, though not completely lacking in insight. However, the real value of this book is in the included DVD and in Charna's recollections about Del Close. The DVD included with this book includes two full long-form performance recordings, along with some shorter clips and interviews. The full performances by The Reckoning and Beer Shark Mice are very well done and very well captured. There's a lot to be learned from these recordings. The latter half of the book is simply storytelling time with Charna, as she recounts her time with Del Close from their meeting to his death. This is not particularly useful for developing improv skills, but should be interesting for any improviser with a little curiosity about the history of improv.


Not my favorite Joanne Harris book, but it did make me want to live on a tiny island in Europe somewhere.