
Alwyn Mungofa Mungofa من عند 4921 Breitsach, النمسا من عند 4921 Breitsach, النمسا

قارئ Alwyn Mungofa Mungofa من عند 4921 Breitsach, النمسا

Alwyn Mungofa Mungofa من عند 4921 Breitsach, النمسا


Being way past 30, I could still enjoy it.


I finished this novel just to see how things would turn out. It kept me curious, at any rate. However, I was expecting a lot more philosophy--not just the idea that, to some, cold-blooded murder=God-like power. Gregorio couldn't seem to decide whether he was writing a mystery or not. The book seemed to lack focus. Perhaps if I knew more about Kant's philosophy (since he figures prominently in the story and his work creates the themes), I would have enjoyed it more.