
Mike Kimber Kimber من عند 62972 Jantetelco, Morelos, المكسيك من عند 62972 Jantetelco, Morelos, المكسيك

قارئ Mike Kimber Kimber من عند 62972 Jantetelco, Morelos, المكسيك

Mike Kimber Kimber من عند 62972 Jantetelco, Morelos, المكسيك


If you're not clear on the Catholic social teachings, this is a great read. It explores each in solid detail: 1. Life/dignity of human person 2. Call to family/community/participation 3. Rights/responsibilities 4. Protection of poor/vulnerable 5. Dignity of work/rights of workers 6. Solidarity 7. Care for God's creation These teachings are important to know as they impact several aspects of our daily lives ~ work, environment, family, the poor/vulnerable in our midst, and our dignity as human beings.