
Guive Rafatian Rafatian من عند Conmee, ON, كندا من عند Conmee, ON, كندا

قارئ Guive Rafatian Rafatian من عند Conmee, ON, كندا

Guive Rafatian Rafatian من عند Conmee, ON, كندا


حقا مكتوبة بشكل جيد. شخصيات عميقة. وصفي جدا.


Ms. Wilkerson has done an excellent job of capturing the migration experience for African Americans during the first half of the 20th century. She does a beautiful job of entwining the historical experience and the stories of three individuals who migrated from different states, and their experiences in their newly adopted northern or west coast cities. She captures the racial divide that was the south and the realities of how people fled the south in secrecy for fear of repercussion.