
Chris Jones Jones من عند Flórida Paulista - SP, البرازيل من عند Flórida Paulista - SP, البرازيل

قارئ Chris Jones Jones من عند Flórida Paulista - SP, البرازيل

Chris Jones Jones من عند Flórida Paulista - SP, البرازيل


Aaron is a coal miner with a wife and children. He finds that he is unhappy with his life, and that what he really wants to do is become a flautist. Caught up in the Post-WWI era of life-is-too-short, he throws off all his responsibilities and travels to London, then to Italy, immersing himself in the life of a musician. In humorous contrast to his selfish dreams, he finds that even a flautist still has to fend for his basic needs, and that his new life isn't just one big party. Add to that the obvious symbolism of the flute as a phallus, and you get one of D. H. Lawrences most charming, best-paced, and most tightly focused works.