Antoine Adam Adam من عند Kalyanpur, West Bengal 731125، الهند
الإثنوغرافيا جيدة حقا وتحليل "clientelism" (
هذا كتاب جيد جدًا ، فيه مغامرة ورومانسية. في احسن الاحوال!
Good insight into how the tip of the spear was used and responed in the Iraq war. Get some!
This book so reminded me of a friend of mine, who's not on goodreads. She's is of the obsessed. Celebrities are an addiction to her and I thought that by reading this I could possibly catch a glimpse of her thought-process. It was pretty lame and shallow, but I read it all the way through. So, Melissa, where ever you are, I guess I understand.