
من عند 25560 Kayaboğaz Köyü/Tekman/Erzurum, تركيا من عند 25560 Kayaboğaz Köyü/Tekman/Erzurum, تركيا

قارئ من عند 25560 Kayaboğaz Köyü/Tekman/Erzurum, تركيا

من عند 25560 Kayaboğaz Köyü/Tekman/Erzurum, تركيا


Oh, it's a series! That makes sense. I picked this up at the library ... Fluff but good beach reading. (Even if it is January and I'm nowhere near a beach.) Characters are ok, I especially like Eliza who once was a socialite but whose father was involved in an Enron-like scandal and the family, whose entire life changes, had to move from NYC to Buffalo. It's a little disconcerning to carry this book around considering the cover features three girls in bikinis. Fortunately, I finished it in a day and a half.


One of the greatest class novels