
Diego Margini Margini من عند 24389 Pombriego, León, إسبانيا من عند 24389 Pombriego, León, إسبانيا

قارئ Diego Margini Margini من عند 24389 Pombriego, León, إسبانيا

Diego Margini Margini من عند 24389 Pombriego, León, إسبانيا


Llegue a Salambo no por Flaubert, sino porque me gusta mucho leer libros de historia, y estoy experimentando con las novelas historicas. En alguna parte que no recuerdo, lei que Salambo era uno de los mejores libros escritos en esta categoria. Al comienzo, me parecio que el estilo de Flaubert es demasiado descriptivo para mi, sin embargo a medida que uno va avanzando se da cuenta que es una descripcion que no cansa, sino que esta muy bien construida e invita a imaginar Cartago y sus alrededores, su gente y su manera de vivir, de una manera que otros autores no logran. El objetivo era conocer como vivia la gente en esa epoca, y esta claramente cumplido. La novela es bastante entretenida, con un final sorprendente y bastante inesperado para mi, lo que me dejo un gusto amargo.


Jack Lightfoot has a family history that makes him unique to our world. His father is a sorcerer from Eden, an alternate world to our own, and although Jack was raised on our familiar Earth, the sorcerer blood runs deep in his veins. When an Eden bounty hunter tracks down his family, hired by the high sorcerer Morgan, Jack learns that he holds the key to both worlds--and the power to take on Morgan himself. Bye offers an intriguing take on the classic hero's journey, meshing bibilical myth with Dungeons and Dragons-style sorcery to create a story that is as provocative as it is exciting. I enjoyed Bye's take on the Eden myth and its connection to modern day Earth, and the story's fast pace made it a quick read. His voice is strong, his dialog smooth, and with one exception, his style is flawless. I did find an overuse of "be" verbs, which was the only issue I had with this book, but it was a small fault to an otherwise exceptional story. I highly recommend THE SORCERER'S KEY to fans of high fantasy. It is a fun and adventuorous tale that readers will not soon forget. I give this work an enthusiastic four stars.