
Yeasin Bhuiyan Bhuiyan من عند 17114 Ullastret, Girona, إسبانيا من عند 17114 Ullastret, Girona, إسبانيا

قارئ Yeasin Bhuiyan Bhuiyan من عند 17114 Ullastret, Girona, إسبانيا

Yeasin Bhuiyan Bhuiyan من عند 17114 Ullastret, Girona, إسبانيا


I picked this up for work -- I am a copy editor -- but I really enjoyed reading it as well as learning a lot. The author touches on pretty much every issue we encounter as editors (she's in books, I'm in newspapers, but it's more or less the same stuff), presenting clear solutions and things to think about in regards to each one. The book is informative without being preachy, detailed without bogging down, and slyly funny to boot. Recommended for anyone in editing or book publishing.