
Samantha Zimmerman Zimmerman من عند Baherchar, بنجلاديش من عند Baherchar, بنجلاديش

قارئ Samantha Zimmerman Zimmerman من عند Baherchar, بنجلاديش

Samantha Zimmerman Zimmerman من عند Baherchar, بنجلاديش


The Cairo geniza was a repository for worn-out texts in the Ben Ezra synagogue in Fustat (old Cairo). The stash of documents was discovered at various points in time by an amazing number of scholars and sellers of antiquities. The recovery of the pieces removed, their translation, preservation, conservation, cataloging, and digitization is a testament to Jewish scholarship and plain determination. The geniza texts brought to life medieval Jewish poetry and the common lives of Mediterranean Jews. The people who have dedicated their lives to this raise a standard not commonly met. p.16: "...crammed to bursting with nearly ten centuries' worth of one Middle Eastern, mostly middle-class Jewish Community's detritus" p.19: "Maintaining the practice of concealment, ironically, made future revelation possible, as, over the centuries, an inadvertent archive was amassed." p.71: "...so bitten by the mosquitoes, 'ich full of spots bin.'" [Been there.] p.96: "Normally a palimpsest contains two strata, though on at least one Geniza occasion we find three." p.118: "'Each photostat is a prayer congealed,' he wrote. ... The dust of the generations has to be shaken from them...a day doesn't pass without resurrection.'" p.205: interpretive sociographer: "one who describes a culture by means of its texts" p.230: joins: the reunion of long-separated parts of a torn manuscript p.232: vowels weren't always placed under the Hebrew letters, where we are used to finding them today...once the vowels were placed above the Hebrew letters p.281: the description of the Friedberg Project: http://www.princeton.edu/~geniza/


it seemed clear that this was originally short stories, and that format works really well here. I feel a little odd, reading what's really book form of the hospital dramas that grace our television screens. Really enjoying it, though - the pros is clear, the characters typically singleminded, and if the odd sentence is repeated word-for-word because of the story-to-novel conversion process, then it just serves to push me to the next sentence to see what's coming up.


three girls meet up while working as a nanny in la