
WooJae Byun Byun من عند Beloi, تيمور الشرقية من عند Beloi, تيمور الشرقية

قارئ WooJae Byun Byun من عند Beloi, تيمور الشرقية

WooJae Byun Byun من عند Beloi, تيمور الشرقية


I dont know what I expected from this book. It was lying around in a friends shelve and I had nothing really to do. Knowing Marc Levy I thought it would bother me after a while. But lets say I finished it, and it wasnt because of its charming characters. Susan was way to egoistic and at the same time needy for my taste. Peter was too dependend on her. I felt a kind of hate that I always get when people are just whiny and dont start doing something with their stuff. What kept me reading were Susans experiences abroad and the challenges of family life in the last part of the book. Even though nothing new and original. The big spoiler end was very unsatisfieing. You dont solve a 10 year conflict in 5 minutes.