
Gustavo Coutinho Coutinho من عند Ciherang, Picung, Pandeglang Regency, Banten, إندونيسيا من عند Ciherang, Picung, Pandeglang Regency, Banten, إندونيسيا

قارئ Gustavo Coutinho Coutinho من عند Ciherang, Picung, Pandeglang Regency, Banten, إندونيسيا

Gustavo Coutinho Coutinho من عند Ciherang, Picung, Pandeglang Regency, Banten, إندونيسيا


A classic play by Mr TWilliams. Probably my favorite of anything he's done. The drunken, disheartened Episcopal priest who studied at Sewanee (a real place that I attended as well) on the down and out in the tropics. Williams, as he seems to have knack for, combines native brilliance with the internal squalor of a man who can't seem to let it all go and the intelligent, capable female in his life who helps bring him back around. (This is probably blasphemy here on GR, but the movie is a lot of fun.)