
Adersh Sreedhar Sreedhar من عند كفر ناصر، ببا، محافظة بني سويف، مصر من عند كفر ناصر، ببا، محافظة بني سويف، مصر

قارئ Adersh Sreedhar Sreedhar من عند كفر ناصر، ببا، محافظة بني سويف، مصر

Adersh Sreedhar Sreedhar من عند كفر ناصر، ببا، محافظة بني سويف، مصر


For readers who are interested in the beginnings of the city of Beijing, this is an amazing book. Starting with the early marsh people who settled in that area, the author and illustrator does a great job of going page by page and showing the people and occurences that destroyed and shaped the Forbidden City and it's inhabitants. A great book for young readers because of the great illustrations.