
Alex Peric Peric من عند Naumovka, Saratovskaya oblast', روسيا، 413837 من عند Naumovka, Saratovskaya oblast', روسيا، 413837

قارئ Alex Peric Peric من عند Naumovka, Saratovskaya oblast', روسيا، 413837

Alex Peric Peric من عند Naumovka, Saratovskaya oblast', روسيا، 413837


أنا مرتاح تمامًا للاعتراف بأنني قرأت هذا الكتاب مرتين ، ولا أفهمه على الإطلاق.


Vegetarian Cookbook. The author has a catering background and some of the recipes are a little fancier than I would cook regularily. But there are a lot of fairly simple recipes as well. No pictures, but a lot of interesting ideas.


Pushed me towards my undergrad thesis topic--if you're at all intersted in the anthropology of the body or general cultural analysis of biomedicine, this is a great place to start