
Michael Smith Smith من عند Kirove, Khersons'ka oblast, أوكرانيا من عند Kirove, Khersons'ka oblast, أوكرانيا

قارئ Michael Smith Smith من عند Kirove, Khersons'ka oblast, أوكرانيا

Michael Smith Smith من عند Kirove, Khersons'ka oblast, أوكرانيا


Fascinating memoir! You would have to be living under a rock to not already be aware of the abuses against women and children, esp female children, that occur in the Muslim community far too frequently. Reading statistics and news articles is not the same as following the life of a victim turned survivor turned liberator. Equally interesting as her experiences in the Muslim community was her insider's look at Dutch politics. We could learn a lesson from the Dutch; you cannot be all things to all people. The government, even a liberal government, cannot be all things to all people. Say what you will about cradle to grave government, the Dutch seem to like theirs just fine. It works for them, but they cannot open their borders so wide that they let their resources be drained by a population that will not even try to live by the values of the country to which they have chosen to immigrate. I think the US should consider this. Don't come here and refuse to work. Don't come here and refuse to learn English. Don't come here and think that you can conduct your life as if you were still in the home country because we don't do things the same way here. Don't come here and blatantly disregard our laws. One thing that troubled me, as a Christian, was that when she rejected the Muslim faith she embraced atheism. Obviously I always hope that everyone will see the peace that is found in Jesus and embrace it for themselves. I find Ms. Ali's writing style to be engaging. She is a good story teller with an interesting story to tell.