
Jessica Glenn Glenn من عند Surcea 527192، رومانيا من عند Surcea 527192، رومانيا

قارئ Jessica Glenn Glenn من عند Surcea 527192، رومانيا

Jessica Glenn Glenn من عند Surcea 527192، رومانيا


أنهيت هذا الكتاب الذي فاجأني لأنني لم أستمتع بأي جزء منه. أعتقد أنني كنت أنتظر ظهور بعض جودة الاسترداد. كانت هذه مجرد مجموعة من القصص عن الأوقات الحزينة / الأصعب / الغبية في حياة الناس. لا شيء محبوب أو حتى الانخراط في الشخصيات.


omg! it's over and i will now cry. i did not see the ending coming though i will say it was a big f**k you to the bad guys in this. though there are some unanswered niggles, and some of the plot in this series has been silly in some ways. i love it! and i will miss the epicness that is Maximum ride


As the train came to a halt, a middle-aged black man walked up to me. “Paul Theroux”, he pointed at my book. “He’s a great author! I read his book about a train journey. From the East coast of the US to the West coast. Amtrak, trains’ walls made of Perspex. Marvelous!” I said I hadn’t read it yet, but it sounded promising. “Indeed!” The man leaned in to me a bit. “I saved all my money, and then I went there, with my wife. The train went straight through the Rockies!” And with a twinkle in his step, he wished me a pleasant day, as he walked out of the compartment. Back home, I finish my Theroux. Not on trains in the States, but on a dead hand in Calcutta. Reading about an author with writer’s block, who gets entangled in the web of a woman who makes his Kundalini flow, set in dirty bewitching India, I cannot agree more. Paul Theroux is a great author. Even though I have never been to India myself, it now almost feels as if I have. Still, part of the story gets me annoyed: Men and their blind adoration for pretty women. Yawn. Best read in train or on plane.