
Ghadeer Elwy Elwy من عند 412، تايوان، 台中市大里區長榮里 من عند 412، تايوان، 台中市大里區長榮里

قارئ Ghadeer Elwy Elwy من عند 412، تايوان، 台中市大里區長榮里

Ghadeer Elwy Elwy من عند 412، تايوان، 台中市大里區長榮里


Kept me interested, threw in some curveballs and ended the way you'd expect.


As a person with a degree in her least favorite subject - Economics, I found this book to be a breath of fresh air. I would have loved my classes so much more if we'd delved into some of these topics. Levitt is not afraid to tackle sensitive issues - abortion, race, crack, etc., but he does so in a way that is not offensive (unless you're completely closed-minded) and enterprising in its approach. He challenges conventional wisdom and encourages readers to think outside the box.