Stephen Paris Paris من عند Allonby, Maryport, Cumbria CA15 6PD، المملكة المتحدة
I really loved this book. It was like reading a blog in the form of a hardback book. It took half as long as you might expect because half of it is recipes. It might take you longer if you are a passionate cook. I am not so the book was a breeze. David Lebovitz immigrated to Paris from San Francisco. He seems to have more complaints than compliments about Paris and his interactions with the Parisians and theirs with him. I wonder why he even wants to stay. He has been there long enough so that he is a foreigner both there and here. When reading between the lines, I never detected a sense of joy about him. It is more like he is resigned to his fate. How sad. Take my perception with a grain of salt; it is just my perception. You will like the book and his take on Paris and especially the food/recipes.