
DarLer Freeman Freeman من عند La Poma, Paz de Ariporo, Casanare, كولومبيا من عند La Poma, Paz de Ariporo, Casanare, كولومبيا

قارئ DarLer Freeman Freeman من عند La Poma, Paz de Ariporo, Casanare, كولومبيا

DarLer Freeman Freeman من عند La Poma, Paz de Ariporo, Casanare, كولومبيا


All Fletch books are kind of a product of the times they were written in. But this one is especially so. I don't want to give anything away, but the reader of this book discovers the "secret" about halfway through the book, much sooner than Fletch does. It may have been shocking in 1970something, but today it is just a quaint reminder that we have progressed a lot further socially.


re-read 2/24/2013