
Adith Panikkal Panikkal من عند Pueblo Nuevo, Montecristo, Bolívar, كولومبيا من عند Pueblo Nuevo, Montecristo, Bolívar, كولومبيا

قارئ Adith Panikkal Panikkal من عند Pueblo Nuevo, Montecristo, Bolívar, كولومبيا

Adith Panikkal Panikkal من عند Pueblo Nuevo, Montecristo, Bolívar, كولومبيا


So far this book is pretty funny. I keep imagining him reading it the way he would on TAL. Which makes it all the more funny. The France stuff is absolutely hysterical. What I love the most about this book is that it's so easy to read quickly. Finished. It's not as funny as I expected. But now I'm reading the Corduroy book and it's pretty hilarious from the start. I love David Sedaris and his funny voice.