
Annie Yang Yang من عند San Antonio de Cortes, هندوراس من عند San Antonio de Cortes, هندوراس

قارئ Annie Yang Yang من عند San Antonio de Cortes, هندوراس

Annie Yang Yang من عند San Antonio de Cortes, هندوراس


I think it's safe to say all of Kelly Hunter's books are five star classics for me. I like that Danielle in her review describes the nuance in this book. Hunter writes with economy, but every word is laden with depth, and that's what makes the story and characters leap off the page. The first time I read one of her books I was overwhelmed – it read like a literary novel, like poetry. I don't say that to demean either genre, but it's just so rare that I've read a romance written so well. What works is in what isn't explicitly said. Hunter vividly and sincerely paints flawed but relatable characters in all colourful relationships. I especially like the metaphorical imagery she sometimes employs as a plot device, as with her visual artist heroine in this book. And I know I've just rambled on quite generally, but trust me on this – this is a book you will love to love!