
Roberto Ghirlanda Ghirlanda من عند Zagóra, Domaniów, بولندا من عند Zagóra, Domaniów, بولندا

قارئ Roberto Ghirlanda Ghirlanda من عند Zagóra, Domaniów, بولندا

Roberto Ghirlanda Ghirlanda من عند Zagóra, Domaniów, بولندا


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One of the most gripping novel that I have read in recent times. The author makes the readers take a cultural and historical journey with him to the lives of Meluhans where Shiva emerges as a saviour and a leader. Accepted as a foreigner first, then revered as a saviour, falling in love with a King's Daughter and finally poised to lead, Shiva goes through the various phases of the story fazed and full of self doubts which is beautifully captured by the author in his all powerful writing. Hats Off to Amish Tripathi for his splended treat and I am hopefully waiting for the next book in the series.


Among the Hidden was a very intense book and that is one of the reasons why I liked it. The author wrote a lot of details, and it was every entertaining.